TAP HMG in Phyllostachys heterocycla

Full lineage¹: cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Streptophytina; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; Mesangiospermae; Liliopsida; Petrosaviidae; commelinids; Poales; Poaceae; BOP clade; Bambusoideae; Arundinarodae; Arundinarieae; Arundinariinae; Phyllostachys

Protein source: BambooGDB

The colour code corresponds to the rules for the domains:

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should not be contained

Domain rules

(Domain names are clickable)

List of proteins (11)

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namename additionClick button to show/hide sequence: Download sequence?
PH01000125G1420PH_genemodel_v1 PH01000125..978559..980120 . - . ID=PH01000125G1420;Name=HMG1/2, putative, expressed
PH01000272G1270PH_genemodel_v1 PH01000272..835804..837603 . + . ID=PH01000272G1270;Name=HMG1/2, putative, expressed
PH01000274G0470PH_genemodel_v1 PH01000274..324486..331240 . - . ID=PH01000274G0470;Name=SSRP1-like FACT complex subunit, putative, expressed
PH01000447G0740PH_genemodel_v1 PH01000447..505367..506926 . + . ID=PH01000447G0740;Name=HMG1/2, putative, expressed
PH01000906G0050PH_genemodel_v1 PH01000906..20411..26372 . + . ID=PH01000906G0050;Name=SSRP1-like FACT complex subunit, putative, expressed
PH01001131G0190PH_genemodel_v1 PH01001131..111976..119971 . + . ID=PH01001131G0190;Name=SSRP1-like FACT complex subunit, putative, expressed
PH01001672G0200PH_genemodel_v1 PH01001672..118674..120406 . - . ID=PH01001672G0200;Name=HMG1/2, putative, expressed
PH01001955G0160PH_genemodel_v1 PH01001955..117239..119847 . + . ID=PH01001955G0160;Name=HMG1/2, putative, expressed
PH01003072G0160PH_genemodel_v1 PH01003072..114790..117353 . - . ID=PH01003072G0160;Name=HMG1/2, putative, expressed
PH01004736G0020PH_genemodel_v1 PH01004736..4725..6347 . - . ID=PH01004736G0020;Name=HMG1/2, putative, expressed
PH01005522G0100PH_genemodel_v1 PH01005522..46467..47978 . + . ID=PH01005522G0100;Name=HMG1/2, putative, expressed
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A list of species letter codes included in the protein names can be found here (opens in new tab).

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¹ Information recieved using NCBI E-utilities and NCBI taxonomy database.